
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beddy Bye

I am so very happy tonight as I am literally getting ready to drag myself away from my computer....  I got so much accomplished!  I started on a website for my friend Chad's gemstones.  I resized and edited a TON of Photos for my Etsy.  I listed some stuff on my etsy.... of course I browsed a buncha other sites on Etsy also.... yes theres my addiction.... I could probably get so much done if I would just leave Etsy and Bejeweled Blitz alone!!!!  Anywoo... I blogged twice and Tweeted to advertise everything.....  so what topic do I want to pick for tomorrow??? 

I think maybe the beginnings of how Roller Derby became such big deal again and the differences in our Roller Derby and yo mammies....??????

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