
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beddy Bye

I am so very happy tonight as I am literally getting ready to drag myself away from my computer....  I got so much accomplished!  I started on a website for my friend Chad's gemstones.  I resized and edited a TON of Photos for my Etsy.  I listed some stuff on my etsy.... of course I browsed a buncha other sites on Etsy also.... yes theres my addiction.... I could probably get so much done if I would just leave Etsy and Bejeweled Blitz alone!!!!  Anywoo... I blogged twice and Tweeted to advertise everything.....  so what topic do I want to pick for tomorrow??? 

I think maybe the beginnings of how Roller Derby became such big deal again and the differences in our Roller Derby and yo mammies....??????

My Etsy Addiction

So this week my goal has been to get my Etsy completely set up and running.  I have thousands of pieces of jewelry that I have made over the past year and for some reason, I keep making stuff and have not gotten my hinee in gear to actually sell the stuff I have made.  So, much like a hoarder....  My office area/ work area is jam-packed full of jewelry by the trays full and materials to make new jewelry including molds and glitter and all the fun stuff I am so totally and completely addicted to.  I also have to admit that I have an addiction to Esty.  I have found some of the most awesome crafty Etsy-ers and will post links to their goods here as I find time and feel the need to talk about the cool stuff that I so want to buy or have bought.  This past week I purchased and am teaching myself to make my own wikid earrings from

I want a bazillion pairs of these things!  So in order for me to not spend a gagillion dollars on them... I will be making my own if possible. 

I just wanted to pop in and say a few words since I have not in so long.  I am off to finish my Etsy stuff and get to bed early since I have stayed up WAYYYY to late with this addiction... either looking at others accts and shopping or listing my own of wich takes FOREVER!!!! 
Come check out my Bearing Rings and Pendants and my roller derby jewelry!
I am hoping to start making some really funky peices from some old skate parts and soon some original metal work that is Roller Derby inspired as well!
Happy Humpday!
