
Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School Night

Tonight was back to school night. While dealing with strep, missing days of work and scrambling to get my website complete and setup for a booth at the Burnt Rubber Blowout at the Distillery tomorrow morning, I am pleasantly calm. Maybe it's the merlot???? I am going to be up till all hours of the morning finishing jewelry peices that I would like to sell tomorrow. Hopefully it will be worth my while. Keep your fingers crossed!!!! Cooper is great! We r trying to teach him new tricks and keep him from begging..... he loves anything BUT dogfood, watermelon included.....(my fault). Well I am off to mix up some resin and get the car loaded up for the Burnt Rubber Blowout at the Distillery 11am-????? . I will have a booth out front and I am soooooo excited!!!! YAY!

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